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Samsung SP4002H hard drive refurbished to operate continuously with electric grinder for effective small object grinding

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Samsung SP4002H hard drive refurbished to operate continuously with electric grinder for effective small object grinding

The Samsung SP4002H hard drive was retired due to its noisy operation, so the owner decided to open it up and modify it to run continuously with an electric grinder.






This hard drive was purchased in November 2002 and has been in use for 17 years. It has a warranty of three years and features a 7200 RPM speed, 40GB capacity, and an IDE interface.


The hard drive features an IDE interface.

Circuit board:

The circuit board contains chips and other components.


Upon opening the hard drive, it was noticed that the disk was damaged in the red circled area. The damage may have contributed to the hard drive being retired. The smoothness of the disk surface made it difficult to capture in a photo.

Assisted lighting was used to capture these images.

Since the hard drive stopped spinning after less than a minute when powered on, it was inconvenient to use.

Following some methods found online, the owner was able to modify the hard drive to run continuously using the following steps:

1. Connect two terminals using a DuPont wire as shown in the diagram.


2. Keep the two DuPont wires open, turn on the power, and wait for the hard drive to start up. Once it has started up, short-circuit the two DuPont wires to keep it running continuously. However, it's important to note that the hard drive's motor power is not significant, so if too much force is applied while grinding, it may stop spinning as a protective measure. In that case, turn off the power, disconnect the two DuPont wires, and repeat the previous steps. This method has been tested and proven to be effective; the hard drive can still be useful for grinding small objects.


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