Laser DriversLaser drivers are power management integrated circuits (PMICs) that are used to control the flow of current in a laser diode or laser array. Laser drivers are typically used in applications where laser diodes are involved, such as in laser printers, laser pointers, and medical equipment.
Laser drivers are available in different sizes, styles, and configurations, depending on the specific requirements of the application. They may be integrated into larger PMICs or systems, or may be separate chips that are connected to the laser diode or laser array via a bus or interface. Laser drivers typically include a number of features and functions, such as modulation control, over-current protection, and thermal shutdown, to ensure that the laser diode or laser array operates safely and reliably.
Laser drivers are an important part of many electronic systems that use laser diodes, and are critical for ensuring that the laser diodes operate efficiently and reliably. They are commonly used in a variety of applications, such as laser printers, laser pointers, and medical equipment.