Power Management (PMIC)An integrated circuit (IC) is a small chip that contains a complex circuit made up of millions of transistors, resistors, and other components. It is called an "integrated" circuit because all of these components are integrated together onto a single chip.
A power management integrated circuit (PMIC) is a type of integrated circuit that is specifically designed to manage the power consumption of an electronic device. PMICs are used in a wide range of electronic devices, including smartphones, laptops, and other portable electronic devices.
PMICs typically include a number of different components, such as voltage regulators, DC-DC converters, and power amplifiers, that are used to control the flow of power to different parts of the device. They are responsible for ensuring that the device's power consumption is optimized, and that it remains stable and reliable. PMICs are essential for ensuring the efficient operation of electronic devices, and they are often integrated into the same chip as the device's main processor or other components.