Signal Switches, Multiplexers, DecodersIntegrated circuits, or ICs, are tiny electronic circuits that are made up of transistors, diodes, and other components. They are called "integrated" because all of these components are combined into a single chip, which can be as small as a few millimeters in size.
Logic is a term used in electronics and computer science to refer to the rules governing the behavior of circuits and devices. In the context of integrated circuits, logic refers to the circuits that are used to perform logical operations, such as AND, OR, and NOT.
Signal switches, multiplexers, and decoders are all types of digital circuits that are commonly used in integrated circuits. Signal switches are used to route signals from one part of a circuit to another, while multiplexers are used to select one of several inputs and route it to a single output. Decoders are used to convert a binary input into a corresponding output, such as a group of output signals.