Structural, Motion HardwareStructural hardware and motion hardware are specific types of hardware that are used in the construction or operation of electronic devices and systems. Structural hardware refers to the components that are used to support or hold the various parts of a device or system in place, such as screws, bolts, or brackets. Structural hardware may be used to hold the individual components of a device together, or to attach the device to a larger structure, such as a wall or frame.
Motion hardware, on the other hand, refers to the components that are used to enable movement or motion in a device or system. This type of hardware may include components such as bearings, gears, or actuators, which are used to transmit motion or force within the device or system. Motion hardware is commonly used in a variety of applications, such as robotics, automation, or mechanical systems, where precise and controlled motion is required. Structural and motion hardware are both essential components of many electronic devices and systems, and are used to provide support, stability, and motion to the various parts of the system.