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Texas Instruments Shifts to 8-inch GaN Chip Production

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Texas Instruments Shifts to 8-inch GaN Chip Production

According to a recent report by THE ELEC, a senior executive at Texas Instruments (TI) has announced a significant development in the production of Gallium Nitride (GaN) chips. The company is strategically transitioning its manufacturing operations from 6-inch to 8-inch wafer fabs.

During a press conference in Seoul, Jerome Shin, the manager of Texas Instruments Korea, unveiled plans for the construction of new 8-inch wafer fabs in Dallas and Aizu, Japan. This move is poised to enhance the company's ability to offer GaN chips at more competitive price points.

Shin emphasized a notable shift in the perception of GaN chips' affordability compared to Silicon Carbide (SiC) chips, attributing it to the transition from smaller to larger wafer fabs. The increased chip yield per wafer is expected to bolster productivity and potentially reduce the overall cost of GaN chips in the market.

Currently, GaN chip prices have already dipped below those of SiC chips. Looking ahead, the completion of upgrades at Texas Instruments' Dallas and Aizu facilities is anticipated to usher in even more accessible solutions. While the expansion of the Dallas facility is slated for completion by 2025, details regarding the timeline for the Aizu facility are yet to be disclosed.

However, industry analysts caution that Texas Instruments' initiatives may trigger a broader decline in GaN chip prices. Additionally, the company is redirecting its focus on power management chip production, transitioning from 8-inch to 12-inch wafer fabs. This strategic move has already resulted in cost savings exceeding 10% for Texas Instruments.


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