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65W 8A 100V NPN - Darlington TO-220-3 Darlington Transistors ROHS
Smyg No:SM-1123-3624563
Mfr Number:BDX53CG
Category:Darlington Transistors
Data sheet: BDX53CG-Datasheet-3624563.pdf
Product Details
Data Sheet
|Product details
Found similar products: 280
Product AttributeAttribute Value
Power - Max65W
Current - Collector (Ic) (Max)8A
Voltage - Collector Emitter Breakdown (Max)100V
Transistor TypeNPN - Darlington
Frequently Asked Questions

| Are the BDX53CG price and stock displayed on the platform accurate?
BDX53CG inventory fluctuates greatly and cannot be updated in time, it will be updated periodically within 24 hours. After submitting the order, it is recommended to confirm the order with SmBom salesperson or online customer service before payment.
| What if I don't get business or technical support in time?
Depending on the time difference between your location and our location, it may take several hours for us to reply, please be patient, Our technical engineers will help you with BDX53CG pinout information, replacements, datasheets in pdf, programming tools, starter kits and more.
| What are the specific procedures for delivery?
Once payment has been confirmed and received you will see that the order status will change to "wait for delivery". We will then reach out to you and directly to arrange the delivery, requesting delivery address, contact details and updating you on the delivery timeline. Once delivery has been setup the status will be adjusted to "wait for the receipt".