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UMC & Intel: Joint 12nm Process Collaboration

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UMC & Intel: Joint 12nm Process Collaboration

On January 25th, in a joint announcement, industry leader Intel and semiconductor foundry United Microelectronics Corporation (UMC) declared a strategic collaboration to co-develop a cutting-edge 12nm semiconductor process platform. This collaboration aims to address the escalating demands in rapidly growing markets such as mobile technology, communication infrastructure, and networking. The comprehensive agreement harnesses Intel's extensive manufacturing capabilities in the United States and UMC's profound foundry experience in mature nodes, facilitating an expanded and robust process portfolio. This strategic partnership not only diversifies the supply chain options for global customers but also enhances its resilience.

Stuart Pann, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Intel's Foundry Services (IFS), emphasized Intel's commitment to fostering collaboration with innovative partners such as UMC in Taiwan to elevate global customer service. The collaboration showcases the commitment of Intel and UMC to contribute to technological and manufacturing innovation within the global semiconductor supply chain, marking a significant stride toward Intel's ambition to become the world's second-largest foundry by 2030.

Wang Shi, Co-General Manager of UMC, underscored the pivotal role of the collaboration with Intel in the 12nm FinFET process manufacturing in the United States. This collaboration aligns with UMC's strategy for cost-effective capacity expansion and technology node upgrades, reinforcing their enduring commitment to customers. The partnership aims to assist customers in navigating the transition to this pivotal technology node while benefiting from the enhanced resilience of the supply chain due to expanded manufacturing capacity in the North American market. UMC anticipates strategic collaboration with Intel, leveraging synergies to explore new markets and significantly expedite technology development timelines.

The 12nm process will capitalize on Intel's formidable large-scale manufacturing capabilities in the United States and its expertise in FinFET transistor design, delivering a potent combination of maturity, performance, and energy efficiency. UMC's leadership in the process and decades of experience in providing Process Design Kits (PDK) and design support are expected to enhance foundry services significantly. The development and manufacturing of this new process will take place at Intel's Ocotillo Technology Fabrication facilities in Arizona, utilizing existing equipment to substantially reduce initial investments and optimize utilization.

Both entities are committed to meeting customer demands through collaboration with ecosystem partners to provide Electronic Design Automation (EDA) and IP solutions, facilitating the realization of designs for the 12nm process. The 12nm process is slated to enter production in 2027.

With a legacy of over 55 years of investment and innovation globally, Intel has established or planned manufacturing bases and investments in various locations. Intel's Foundry Services (IFS) made noteworthy progress in 2023, fostering strong interactions with customers, including new clients adopting Intel16, Intel3, and Intel 18A process technologies, signaling continued growth in its foundry ecosystem. IFS anticipates further advancements in 2024.


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