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Efficient Battery Assembly & Portable Controller

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Efficient Battery Assembly & Portable Controller

Assembling a battery usually involves using a spot welding machine, but for wiring, a soldering iron is still needed. If you use two soldering irons, one with a ring transformer (T12) and another with a switching power supply (T12), it might be inconvenient due to the size and weight of the soldering irons. If you have a 21V battery charger and want to use just one power source, you can make an external controller, which is relatively portable.

In the case of a sleeping mode 616 controller, which was tested and had a faulty board, you can use a small box, an aviation plug, etc. You can remove the microcontroller from the sleeping mode 616 controller and use it as a regular 616 control board.

Note: The sleeping mode 616 control board supports sleep modes such as the soldering iron rest sleep, tip-up sleep, and timed sleep.


Drilling and installing the control board:

If the 78L05 burnt during testing, with 22V being normal but 24V causing failure, you can replace it with a plug-in 7805. The 30V setting should be fine.




Find an old switch and install it.



Install a power plug.


Ensure good insulation.


Install and test.

Install and test.png

Test successfully, and you're done.


This way, you only need to carry two tools instead of half a soldering station.


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